Most people who believe they are empathic or intuitive love having dogs in their lives. Dogs are generally unconditionally loving and affectionate, and since intuitives are usually highly emotionally sensitive, we feel good just being around them.
Many pet lovers also think their dogs are psychic. If that’s true, then they are more like empaths than the average person without abilities. We can learn a lot about our intuitive nature from dogs.
Dogs are more sensitive than people. Anyone who lives in earthquake country will have a story about their dog acting strangely right before seismic activity is about to happen. They also seem adept at predicting human behavior.
Researchers at the University of Abertay in Dundee, Scotland found that a dog’s ability to understand and predict a person’s desires or behavior is highly “instinctive.” It doesn’t matter how much training a dog has, they seem to be able to read the intent a person has for them to perform a certain act.
Researchers at the University of Abertay in Dundee, Scotland found that a dog’s ability to understand and predict a person’s desires or behavior is highly “instinctive.” It doesn’t matter how much training a dog has, they seem to be able to read the intent a person has for them to perform a certain act.
Have you ever tried to get your dog to do something while you're in a hurry or distracted? You might have noticed that you have to repeat yourself to get them to do what you want.
The reason for this is that your actions and intentions don't match up. Your voice is saying “sit” but your mind is thinking “I'm in a hurry! Gotta go!” A sensitive dog will pick up on that and become confused.
They will also pick up on any other feelings you have. You can't lie to them in that regard. They know when you're upset or stressed, even if you pretend you're not.
Scientists believe some dogs are sensitive because they read visual, kinesthetic, and auditory cues well, but many people who work with dogs recognize that it might be a bit more mystical than simply good eyesight and hearing.
There are numerous documented instances where a dog knows exactly when their human is coming home. It doesn’t matter how unpredictable the person’s behavior is, they still know.
Rupert Sheldrake filmed a study on a dog named Jaytee in England, who predicted when his owner was leaving work 50 times in a row. There was no way, other than intuition, that Jaytee could have figured it out.
So how did he do it, and how can we hone our senses and intuition to be more like Jaytee?
Become aware of your surroundings
Dogs pay attention. They live in the present moment and they don’t worry about the past or the future. They only reference the past within the context of how it affects them in the here and now, and they only use the future to plan for an immediate need to be fulfilled. They don’t live there like we do, or worry about what might happen.
As a result, they always pay attention to what’s happening around them. They’ll stare at their humans for extended periods of time, and they notice everything. They hear every minute rustle of clothing, or sense every shift in energy or mood, no matter how subtle.
They know exactly when you’re going to get up to go get them dinner, sometimes even before you do. They spend a lot of time trying to figure out what you’re going to do next.
They behave the same way in the wild. They’ve developed their heightened instincts over time to help them hunt in packs. It makes it easier for them to read their prey and to predict what their hunting partners are going to do.
We humans seem to have lost that ability. We’re so busy worrying about things, or running errands, or trying to make a living, or scrolling our newsfeeds, that we rarely stop what we are doing, sit, and pay attention to what’s going on in our world.
Take a few moments today to sit quietly and watch your dog while he’s doing something, without judging it. Notice what his expression is, his body language, what he chooses to do with his time. Ask yourself what kind of mood you think he’s in. Is he happy, content, bored?
Now notice what’s going on in your environment. Do you hear or smell anything? What’s the temperature like?
This style of observation is a form of mindfulness meditation, one that dogs practice almost every waking moment. If you do it regularly, eventually your sensitivity will increase and you’ll become more aware of things.
Play the Telepathy Game
A recent study published in the Learning and Behavior Journal found that dogs can read people’s minds, or at least their intentions. A group of domesticated wolves and a group of dogs were given the opportunity to beg for food. They could choose to beg for food from a person who seemed attentive, or from someone who was not. Both groups could distinguish the difference and went for the person who was attentive.
“We found that training levels didn’t make any difference - no matter how well trained they were, it did not make their ability to pick up cues better or worse.”
The researchers also noticed that both the wolves and dogs were more intuitive with people they knew than with people they didn’t. It appears that the connection with the person made them more capable of reading their motives.
A fun game to play is to see if your dog can read your mind. Stand in front of her, and while holding a treat in your hand, silently give the dog a command that you wouldn’t normally give.
For example, if you always tell her to sit before giving a treat, then think of something else, like “down” or “shake.” Give her a minute to respond.
You can also silently command her to come to you. Be very clear in your intention that the dog come, then wait and see what happens. Some dogs are more intuitive than others, so give it time.
You might also find that you’re having a difficult time holding the command in your mind. Being able to “send” information in this way is as much of an intuitive ability as being a good “receiver.”
About the Authors:
Roman Gottfried is an internationally renowned Holistic Dog Training and behavior expert. He works with dog parents worldwide to help their dogs reach their full potential, by teaching them the holistic philosophy of dog training. He sees clients online and in-person. Visit to schedule an appointment.
Barbara Buck is a Reconnective Healing Practitioner, intuitive, and writer. Visit for more information. Check out her blog at